Join storyteller Cris Riedel to hear stories of animals and their tails!
Cris’s video of six stories from around the world will be available at . July 10th and all summer long.
The program is free to all, and family friendly.
New this year, listeners are invited to ponder some creative questions and create some drawings or stories. Then send them in to Cris!
Artistic responses will be posted online in the Tails Gallery at Cris’s site.
Look for the tail questions at the Gallery on July 10, and at the ‘tail end’ of the show!
This project is made possible with funds from the Decentralization Program, a regrant program of the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of Governor Andrew M. Cuomo and the New York State Legislature and administered by the Genesee Valley Council on the Arts. |
For parents, teachers, and librarians- here are the questions:
The questions will also be posted in the Gallery after July 10.
–The stories had lots of animals in them. Which animal did you admire? Write a letter or poem to that animal. Draw a picture of that animal.
–If you had a tail, what kind would it be? Draw a picture of yourself with your new tail. Write a story of you and your tail.
— Some animals have odd tails. Why does a pig have that curly tail? Why is an elephant’s tail so short? Do you know of another odd tail? Write a story about how those odd tails happened.
— Maybe an animal would like to trade tails with another. Which animals would those be? Draw a picture of them, tell their story.
— Do you know of an animal with an unusual tail? Draw a picture, tell the story of that animal. It might be a real one – it might be one you made up!
When your kids create responses, send photos to and I’ll post it to the Gallery. Excited to see what comes in!