Monday 3/14/2022 6:30 – 8:30 pm
Location: Lima Library meeting room
Cost: Free
Registration: Please sign up at the library (so we know how many refreshments to have available).
Let’s have a fun evening out and play a game. Let’s play Mexican Train Dominoes.
Refreshments will be provided. In celebration of the date of this game night, 3/14, we will be serving pie. The special mathematical number 3.14, used in calculating the circumference and area of a circle, is called “PI”. Let’s celebrate this special number on March 14th (3/14) by enjoying delicious slices of pie. Join us for PI day! One lucky participant, selected at random, will win a $10 gift certificate to a Lima business of their choice. Join us for a fun community centered playful evening. We look forward to seeing you there.
Presented by the Friends of the Lima Public Library.