Friends Meeting

Friends of the Lima Public Library Meeting

Genealogy Workshop – Made possible by the Friends of the Lima Public Library

Want to start your family history adventure? This class is for you. Kathryn Bovee, an experienced genealogist, will be presenting some research basics at this Genealogy 101 class. You will receive research resource lists, techniques to manage information and forms to assist you in documentation of your findings. Please register for this class at the […]

Food Preservation 101 – Introduction to Fermentation

Tuesday 3/28 6:30-8:30 or Wednesday 3/29 10:30 AM-12:30 PM (same info presented in both--pick the time that works best for you!) Learn how easy it is to get started in making sauerkraut, kimchi, kombucha, and various other fermented goods. See different fermentation containers, learn how to keep air away the from the fermenting food and […]