Online Author Talk: Kate Quinn, Author of the Diamond Eye

We invite you for an unforgettable conversation with historical fiction writer Kate Quinn as she discusses her newest release, The Diamond Eye, and her other works. Quinn is the author of several New York Times bestsellers, including The Alice Network, The Huntress, and The Rose Code. The Diamond Eye offers an unforgettable World War II […]

A Cybersecurity Primer: Presented by Dan Marcellus

Dan Marcellus will discuss the means to help users protect themselves from cyber crime and social engineering crimes in general. Dan is the author of It's Not My Job to Do IT But Make Sure IT Is Done Right and contributing author of a #1 Best Seller Amazon book, Under Attack. Dan has been an […]

Crossroads Crafters’ Circle

This is an informal group that gathers to set aside time to work on a craft project while enjoying the company of others. You are invited to come and craft in good company! Knit, crochet, quilt, braid, scrapbook, etc. All crafters are welcomed. Come for a short visit or for the entire time. Grab your […]